A team of teachers and students of Physical Education - Bachelor (degree) participate on Saturday (10) seminar "Work Lecturer in Physical Education in the face of current public policies in education in RMBH: Impact on Institutions Forming," which will be held in the School Physical Education, Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy (EEFFTO) Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG).
The event, whose organization of teachers collaborated Florestal Campus(CEDAF), aims to discuss issues relating to the work of physical education teacher in the current public education policies in the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte (BHMA). Thus involves discussions on the development of internships, teaching practice and perception of trainers and trainees on the working process of the physical education teacher, as well as analysis of municipal education policies and their implications for teaching and training institutions.
The Florestal Campus UFV, will be represented in a Working Group (WG) with the theme "Stages, teaching practices, PED, Pibid: perceptions of trainers and trainees in the field about the working process of the physical education teacher." This GT is divided into three themes, which will be discussed on the coordination of teachers Florestal Campus:
- Pibid - Physical Education in early childhood education in municipal education in Florestal - MG: experience of UFV-CAF (Coordinator: Prof.. Simplicio Afonso Timão).
- Protocols, monitoring and evaluation of pedagogical practice at UFV - CAF (Coordinator: Prof.. Guilherme de Azambuja Pussieldi).
- Roundtable - Theme: Challenges of supervised internship, Pibid, PET-education, and pedagogical practice in the process of teacher training in physical education. (Coordinator: Prof.. Patrícia Costa Claudia).
In addition, UFV-Campus Florestal will be represented in a word show of practical in event. The first work is "KTK in kindergarten: experience of UFV-CAF and Municipal Schools of Forestral - MG", coordinated by Professor William Pussieldi. Then you will see "Physical Education in high school at UFV-CAF: methodology and strategy for engagement conscious student" under the coordination of Professor Alfonso Timão Simplicio. Finally, there will be the presentation of the paper "Games of Internal UFV-CAF: a model for school games", which is coordinated by Professor William Pussieldi.
Teachers UFV Campus Florestal will participate also the Executive Council Meeting of the Board of Directors of Institutions of Higher Education of Physical Education of Minas Gerais (Condiesef) - which Professor Guilherme de Azambuja Pussieldi is vice president.
According to Professor Timão, will be present at the event, participating in various GTs and the practical work of the institutions involved, a total of 56 people, including students and teachers of Physical Education course and other members of the PET Education coordinated by Professor Patricia Claudia.