The UFV Campus Florestal is conducting an agreement with the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), to formulate a proposal for Interinstitutional Doctorate (Dinter). The goal is that this proposal be referred to the announcement in 2013 of the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes).
To this end, last Wednesday (28), the research coordinator of the UFV Campus Florestal, Professor Marco Antônio de Oliveira was at the Institute for Geosciences of Unicamp meeting with the course coordinator of Postgraduate Education and History of ScienceEarth, Professor Peter Wagner Gonçalves.
Mark Anthony points out that this initiative has the support of senior management and the UFV Dean of Graduate Studies (PPG). After all, the goal is to increase the number of qualified teachers at the doctoral level in Forest Campus, allowing thus increasing the quality of education offered to students.
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