domingo, 9 de dezembro de 2012

Teacher is summoned to join the Brazil squad BMX

The teacher of the course Bachelor in Physical Education UFV-Campus Florestal was convened by the Brazilian Cycling Confederation (CBC) to be present in the Evaluative Clinical Selection of Young Talents national cycling for the Brazilian BMX, which will be the days 06 to 10/12 in city Americana, São Paulo.

This review is sponsored by CBC and the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) to select new athletes aged between 15 and 23 years for the 2016 Olympics, to be held in Rio de Janeiro in the same year.
It will be attended by international experts of the World Centre of Training, who are working in conjunction with the Technical Commission of the Brazilian teams and athletes participating during evaluations. The goal is to conduct a thorough evaluation, identifying and subsequently improving potential athletes for the next Olympic cycle.
The Bike Lane will be the first discipline assessed. Evaluations from pilots bicicross happen on 9 e10/12 from 9am, official BMX track in city.

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