domingo, 9 de dezembro de 2012

Teacher is summoned to join the Brazil squad BMX

The teacher of the course Bachelor in Physical Education UFV-Campus Florestal was convened by the Brazilian Cycling Confederation (CBC) to be present in the Evaluative Clinical Selection of Young Talents national cycling for the Brazilian BMX, which will be the days 06 to 10/12 in city Americana, São Paulo.
This review is sponsored by CBC and the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) to select new athletes aged between 15 and 23 years for the 2016 Olympics, to be held in Rio de Janeiro in the same year.
It will be attended by international experts of the World Centre of Training, who are working in conjunction with the Technical Commission of the Brazilian teams and athletes participating during evaluations. The goal is to conduct a thorough evaluation, identifying and subsequently improving potential athletes for the next Olympic cycle.
The Bike Lane will be the first discipline assessed. Evaluations from pilots bicicross happen on 9 e10/12 from 9am, official BMX track in city.

sábado, 8 de dezembro de 2012

Sapiens is working again

sexta-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2012

Tip of the week movie:

Memorial Day

In 1993, on the Memorial Day, which is the day when USA celebrate the ones who died in World War II, Kyle Vogel, a 13 years old boy, was playing hide and seek when accidently found an old handbag which belonged to his grandfather Bud (James Cromwell). Within it, he also found many memories from the time Bud had spent in the German Battlefield. Ignoring all his friends’ warnings, he decided to show his grandfather what he had just found. Bud had never talked about his experiences in World War II with anyone else, so he made a deal with his grandson: “You can choose three objects from this handbag, and I’ll tell you the story of each one of them”. What Bud has told Kyle in that afternoon lasts forever – a few years later, Kyle (Jonathan Bennett) would serve the army in Iraq and those memories would change his life.

Fonte: http://www.cineclick.com.br

Ministry of Education evaluates institutions of higher education in the country

      The Ministry of Education issued a new review of more than two thousand higher education institutions across the country. The note almost a third, mainly universities and private colleges, was terrible. Enter that account student performance, infrastructure, teachers and graduate.
      In 2011, the courses of 577 institutions were considered low quality. Two hundred and thirty four courses had taken bad grades in previous review, in 2008. How now repeated the poor performance could be punished.
      The MEC is expected to announce measures next week. They can, for example, be unable to do vestibular forfeit the student loans and grants from Prouni.
      Already the Federal University of Viçosa UFV should perform well in this evaluation.

quinta-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2012

Started agreement between Campus Florestal and Unicamp for creating Dinter

     The UFV Campus Florestal is conducting an agreement with the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), to formulate a proposal for Interinstitutional Doctorate (Dinter). The goal is that this proposal be referred to the announcement in 2013 of the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes).
    To this end, last Wednesday (28), the research coordinator of the UFV Campus Florestal, Professor Marco Antônio de Oliveira was at the Institute for Geosciences of Unicamp meeting with the course coordinator of Postgraduate Education and History of ScienceEarth, Professor Peter Wagner Gonçalves.
     Mark Anthony points out that this initiative has the support of senior management and the UFV Dean of Graduate Studies (PPG). After all, the goal is to increase the number of qualified teachers at the doctoral level in Forest Campus, allowing thus increasing the quality of education offered to students.
If the proposal is approved by Dinter Capes, in four years there will be about 15 new doctors in the area of ​​Teaching on Campus UFV-Forest formed by Unicamp. For the research coordinator, the formation of these new doctors will contribute greatly to the growth of undergraduate research and development in Forest Campus. Moreover, serve the interest of several servers Campus longing for this opportunity qualification.

Happy Xmas

     If you wanna learn English with song, here are one video from one Tv Show:

Students and teachers of Physical Education represents Campus Florestal in event

    A team of teachers and students of Physical Education - Bachelor (degree) participate on Saturday (10) seminar "Work Lecturer in Physical Education in the face of current public policies in education in RMBH: Impact on Institutions Forming," which will be held in the School Physical Education, Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy (EEFFTO) Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG).

     The event, whose organization of teachers collaborated Florestal Campus(CEDAF), aims to discuss issues relating to the work of physical education teacher in the current public education policies in the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte (BHMA). Thus involves discussions on the development of internships, teaching practice and perception of trainers and trainees on the working process of the physical education teacher, as well as analysis of municipal education policies and their implications for teaching and training institutions.

     The Florestal Campus UFV, will be represented in a Working Group (WG) with the theme "Stages, teaching practices, PED, Pibid: perceptions of trainers and trainees in the field about the working process of the physical education teacher." This GT is divided into three themes, which will be discussed on the coordination of teachers Florestal Campus:

     - Pibid - Physical Education in early childhood education in municipal education in Florestal - MG: experience of UFV-CAF (Coordinator: Prof.. Simplicio Afonso Timão).

     - Protocols, monitoring and evaluation of pedagogical practice at UFV - CAF (Coordinator: Prof.. Guilherme de Azambuja Pussieldi).

     - Roundtable - Theme: Challenges of supervised internship, Pibid, PET-education, and pedagogical practice in the process of teacher training in physical education. (Coordinator: Prof.. Patrícia Costa Claudia).

     In addition, UFV-Campus Florestal will be represented in a word show of practical in event. The first work is "KTK in kindergarten: experience of UFV-CAF and Municipal Schools of Forestral - MG", coordinated by Professor William Pussieldi. Then you will see "Physical Education in high school at UFV-CAF: methodology and strategy for engagement conscious student" under the coordination of Professor Alfonso Timão Simplicio. Finally, there will be the presentation of the paper "Games of Internal UFV-CAF: a model for school games", which is coordinated by Professor William Pussieldi.

     Teachers UFV Campus Florestal will participate also the Executive Council Meeting of the Board of Directors of Institutions of Higher Education of Physical Education of Minas Gerais (Condiesef) - which Professor Guilherme de Azambuja Pussieldi is vice president.

     According to Professor Timão, will be present at the event, participating in various GTs and the practical work of the institutions involved, a total of 56 people, including students and teachers of Physical Education course and other members of the PET Education coordinated by Professor Patricia Claudia.

Graduate Programs at the Universidade Federal de Viçosa - UFV

     The office of Research and Graduate Programs (PPG) at the UFV aims to coordinate graduate activities. The Technical Councils of the Stricto Sensu and “Lato Sensu” Graduate Programs are entailed to PPG. These councils have the following duties: accrediting professors for graduate courses; deciding about the creation, denomination, functioning, alteration or extinction of analytical programs and graduate course distribution; approving and supervising the offer of “Lato Sensu” graduate courses, including those offered in partnerships; taking decisions on graduate students’ requests. 

     The UFV offers 34 academic Stricto Sensu graduate programs in several areas of knowledge – twenty Master’s programs followed by Doctorate degrees and 14 programs forMaster’s degree only. 

     In 2007, 1,049 students were registered in Master’s and 856 in Doctorate programs; 69 were under Post Doctorate training and 267 were enrolled in graduate courses although not in graduate programs (“special students”), which totals 2,241 students. In 2006, 337 Master’s Theses and 128 Doctorate Theses were submitted and approved.

     In 2006, 592 students were registered for the following “Lato Sensu” graduate programs: Computer Science "42"; Veterinary Surgery and Clinics "29"; Agrarian and Environmental Law "40"; Education "30"; Soccer "39"; Business Management and Diagnosis "46"; Strategic Management "59"; Linguistics and Compared Literature "29"; Nutrition and Health "38"; Plant Protection "108"; and Paper and Cellulose Technology "109; Rural Business Management “23”. 

     In March 2006, the following new Master’s programs were launched: Economy, Animal Biology and Applied Statistics and Biometry, in addition to the Doctorate program in Applied Physics. The Agricultural Chemistry doctorate program was approved by the Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education (CAPES) and started in 2007. The Master’s in Mathematics and the Master’s in Cellulose and Paper Technology programs were also approved to begin in 2008. The offer of graduate programs has increased mainly because of the faculty training policies implemented at UFV four decades ago, the national and international educational relevance of the UFV, and the consequent increased demand for new programs. 

     Evaluation by CAPES: the results of the evaluation of the 34 UFV graduate programs by CAPES were the following: two programs have grade 7 (maximum); five programs, grade 6; five programs, grade 5; 14 programs, grade 4; and eight programs, 3. In agrarian sciences, nine programs in Brazil received grade 7 in the national evaluation and two of them are in the UFV (Entomology and Animal Sciences). The maximum grade given by CAPES is 7 when both Master’s and Doctorate programs are offered; and 5 for those programs offering only Master’s. The evaluation was carried out by CAPES, which is based on the following criteria: (1) Program Proposal; (2) Faculty; (3) Research Activities, Development and Extension; (4) Training Activity; (5) Students; (6) Conclusion Assignments; and (7) Intellectual Production. The evaluation of each program is based on the annual reports presented. 

Graduate Programs
Master's Degree
Doctorate Degree

Agricultural Biochemistry
Agricultural Engineering
Agricultural Meteorology
Agricultural Microbiology

Animal Biology

Animal Sciences
Animal Sciences - Profissional

Applied Economy
Applied Statistics and Biometry

Cellular and Structural Biology
Cellulose and Paper Technology - Professional
Civil Engineering
Computer Science

Home Economics


Genetics and Breeding
Nutrition Science

Physical Education

Applied Physics
Plant Sciences
Rural Extension

Food Science and Technology
Soils and Plant Nutrition
Plant Physiology
Veterinary Medicine

Building Vocabulary for College

     Research has repeatedly revealed that a good vocabulary goes hand in hand with academic success. This book, then, is designed to help you increase your vocabulary in a systematic, practical, and interesting way. You will probably already know some of the word parts, challenging words, and academic terms this text contains, but most of them will likely be unfamiliar to you. In any event, your vocabulary will be increased to a college level as you work through the chapters.
     Part One will deepen your understanding of common prefi xes, suffi xes, and roots (referred to as word ), which will then make it easier for you to decipher the carefully chosen challenging words that are included in this part of the book. These words are associated with well-educated adults as well as those who have done well on the vocabulary section of the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT).
     Part Two will give you a head start in mastering the academic terms associated with many of the introductory courses you will probably take in college. In addition, both Parts One and Two provide you with an excellent opportunity to learn the distinctions between words that are often confused with one another (such as affect and effect), and to become familiar with a number of common English expressions, known as idioms, that you might not know (such as Monday morning quarterback or to steal someone’s thunder).
     I hope you will discover, as other students have, that this book contributes to your overall academic success as this is its main goal.

Click here for download that e-book

Change your words

This short film illustrates the power of words to radically effect change. Discover the power of transforming your own words in Andrea Gardner's book 'Change Your Words, Change Your World' at http://www.andreagardner.co.uk.

Movie - Dead Poets Society

Dead Poets Society

     The charismatic English professor John Keating (Robin Williams) arrives to teach in a traditional school for boys. With unconventional methods, he transforms the routine of school and awakens a passion for literature students. Full of humor and wisdom, Keating inspires the boys to follow their dreams and live intensely.

     Film directed by professor of Portuguese Language Rafael Loche, students of the second year of high school, Federal University of Viçosa.

Movie Trailer 

How and Where we can learn English


All Levels

1) Listening
2) Excellent videos with transcripts

Easy Level

3) Simple and Fun Activities

Intermediate Level

4) Hiroshima University's Virtual University: A Great Site!http://vu.flare.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/english/listening/index-e.html

5) Interesting Storieshttp://www2.actden.com/writ_den/menu.htm

6) BBC: News, Music, Business Englishhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/sport/index.shtml

7) Listen to Interesting Stories While Reading Alonghttp://www.voanews.com/specialenglish/topics_summary.cfm
8) NBA Game Highlightshttp://www.nba.com/video/

Advanced Level

9) Movie Transcriptshttp://www.script-o-rama.com/trans.shtml

10) Podcastshttp://a4esl.org/podcasts/

11) BBC: News, With Transcriptshttp://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/news/index.shtml

12) CNN: Learning Englishhttp://literacynet.org/cnnsf/archives.html

13) National Public Radio: News Hour, With Transcriptshttp://www.pbs.org/newshour/

14) Stories about American Culturehttp://www.npr.org/programs/lnfsound/stories/index.html

15) Advertisements for American Movieshttp://us.imdb.com/Sections/Trailers/

16) Famous Speeches in Historyhttp://historychannel.com/speeches/index.html


All Levels

1) Fun Quizzeshttp://www.aitech.ac.jp/~iteslj/quizzes/vocabulary.html

2) Word Puzzleshttp://www.funbrain.com/detect/

3) Interesting Crossword Puzzleshttp://iteslj.org/cw/

Easy Level

4) The 1000 Most Common Wordshttp://esl.about.com/library/vocabulary/bl1000_list1.htm?once=true&

5) How the Alphabet Developedhttp://www.wam.umd.edu/~rfradkin/latin.html

Intermediate Level

6) Communicative Test: Made for Japanese University Studentshttp://home.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/katsuiwa/english/list.cgi

7) Slanghttp://www.eslcafe.com/slang/slang.cgi?

8) Homonymshttp://www.quia.com/custom/1055main.html

9) Lots of Fun Activitieshttp://a4esl.org/a/v5.html

Advanced Level

10) TOEFL Vocabulary Practicehttp://esl.about.com/library/quiz/bltoeflquiz.htm?once=true&

11) Common Errorshttp://www.wsu.edu:8080/~brians/errors/errors.html


All Levels

1) Interesting Quizzes http://www.eslpartyland.com/quiz%20center/quiz.htm#Grammar

2) More Interesting Quizzeshttp://a4esl.org/q/h/grammar.html

Intermediate Level

3) Grammar Test: Made for Japanese University Studentshttp://vu.flare.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/english/grammartest_a.html

4) Comprehensive Grammar Explanationhttp://www.edufind.com/english/grammar/toc.cfm

5) Phrasal Verbshttp://www.eslcafe.com/pv.cgi?

6) Grammar Help from the BBChttp://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/youmeus/learnit/learnit_archive.shtml

7) Other Grammarhttp://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/index2.html

Advanced Level

8) TOEFL Grammar Practicehttp://esl.about.com/library/quiz/bltoeflquiz.htm?once=true&

9) More TOEFL Grammarhttp://testwise.com/review.html#men2


Easy Level

1) Readinghttp://www.eslpartyland.com/quiz%20center/quiz.htm#Reading

2) Good Reading Exerciseshttp://www.lclark.edu/~krauss/toppicks/reading.html

Intermediate Level

3) Translation Pagehttp://www.rikai.com/perl/HomePage.pl?Language=Ja

4) Sciencehttp://www.nytimes.com/learning/students/scienceqa/index.html

5) Culture Capsuleshttp://www.lclark.edu/~krauss/ortesol98/home.html#master

6) Comicshttp://www.snoopy.com/comics/peanuts/index.html

7) Alice in Wonderlandhttp://the-office.com/bedtime-story/classics-aliceinwonderland.htm

Advanced Level

8) Daily News Quizhttp://www.nytimes.com/learning/students/quiz/index.html

9) Interesting Materials about Foreign Cultureshttp://bjapan.bravehost.com/

10) Some On-line Magazineshttp://www.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/

11) Some Other News Siteshttp://www.asahi.com/english/english.html

12) Free Electronic Books!http://digital.library.upenn.edu/books/


All Levels

1) Make foreign friends, using keyboard chathttp://www.eslcafe.com/chat/chatpro.cgi

2) Conversation Questions—Do these with a friend!http://iteslj.org/questions/
3) Excellent Practice with L/R Soundshttp://www.englishcentral.com/speak/sound/L

Easy Level

4) Keyboard chat with a robot!http://www.cleverbot.com/

5) Travel Vocabularyhttp://www.aitech.ac.jp/~itesls/ts/

6) Basic Pronunciationhttp://www.antimoon.com/how/pronunc.htm

Intermediate and Advanced Level

7) Oral Presentationshttp://ec.hku.hk/tops/html/


All Levels

1) Writing: Made for Japanese University Studentshttp://vu.flare.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/english/writing/movie.html

2) The Open Diaryhttp://www.opendiary.com/

Easy Level

3) Write Funny Sentenceshttp://www.aitech.ac.jp/~itesls/jaw/w01.html

4) Write a Funny Storyhttp://www.eduplace.com/tales/index.html

5) Spellinghttp://www.funbrain.com/spellroo/

Intermediate and Advanced Level

6) Purdue University Writing Labhttp://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/index2.html

7) Examples of Essayshttp://www.amarris.homestead.com/writing.html

Other Good Sites

1) Links to Many English Learning Sites!http://towerofenglish.com/

2) Various Interesting Activitieshttp://www.lclark.edu/~krauss/toppicks/toppicks.html

3) On-line Encyclopediahttp://www.encarta.msn.com/

4) On-line Dictionaryhttp://www.m-w.com/netdict.htm